Material Handling Equipments

We offer pallet racking inspection services. We are ready to set up an annual inspection service, perform bi-annual inspections, or customize an inspection routine unique to your needs. We can repair and replace any damaged components to make sure you never run into any issues with the MOL or potential costly stop work orders that would interfere with your daily operations. We repair and replace damaged pallet racking frames.
Employers are legally liable for providing safe working conditions for employees and working to minimize unnecessary and foreseeable health and safety risks. Routine warehouse pallet racking inspections in Mississauga can help prevent injuries by quickly identifying racking system defects and damages.At AJOONI Storage Systems, our expert racking engineers will thoroughly review the current state of your racking systems and make appropriate and applicable recommendations to bring them up to code and correct any potential issues.We provide thoroughly detailed pallet racking system reviews to ensure that you have all of the tools and information you need to guarantee your racking systems are in total compliance with MOL standards. Our licensed engineers are also qualified to perform comprehensive PSRs (pre-health and safety reviews) before the installation and application of new pallet racking systems in warehouses, manufacturing facilities, and distribution centers. Pallet racking systems require professional inspection on a regular basis (at least once a year or once every six months). We guarantee the optimal safety and functionality of your pallet racking systems .


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